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Berry puns in 2025

Why did the orange stop?
– Because it ran out of juice.

The kiwi confessed his love for avocado by saying. “I love you berry much.”

Berry Christmas!

Halle Berry

What do you get when you walk around with berries in your shoes?
– Toe jam.

How do you call a magic berry?
– Cherry Potter

My sister kept calling a bowl of raspberries blueberries.
– When I asked her why, she said they were very sad – they were a little blue.

Be afraid, be berry afraid…

What type of berry can you drink out of?
– A strawberry.

I love you berry much

We were made for peach other.


Pie like you.

What did the berry burglar say when he was robbing the shop?
– This is a strobbery!

What’s a banana’s favourite gymnastics move?
– The splits.

In the strawberry kingdom, things are all-ripe for now.

Eat, drink, and be berry.

Strawberries are what make life taste wonderful. ~ Anthony T. Hincks

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