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Bike puns in 2025

“So expensive to pump up your tyres these days, bloody inflation!”

My friend got into a squabble with a driver for swerving into the bike lane.
– He’s a bit of a cyclepath.

I had a conversation with my boss about step-downs,
– it wasn’t until much later that I realized I was being fired.

A Maniac Cut Someone In Half While I Was On My Bike Today.
– I Missed It, But My Chainsaw.

If you ride your bike twice in one day is that recycling?

Where do crazy people ride their bikes?
– On the psycho path

WOW, thats a bit of a shock

– You can’t handle the truth!

Cycling through a meadow, I noticed my bike looked prettier.
– I’ve got a daisy chain now.

I was two tired to try out my new unicycle.

My Race Time Today Was So Much Better Than Yesterday. I Was In A Whole Different Gear.

Paleontologists have discovered a type of dinosaur that used to ride bikes.
– They’ve named it the velo-ciraptor.

A cop just knocked on my door and told me that my dogs were chasing people on bikes.
– Wtf??? My dogs don’t even own bikes

I broke my bike today so I have to fork out cash for a new one

– Geez, thinking that up made me wheelie tyred

A man got up and checked his bike wheels, both tires were flat.
– It was a classic case of ‘air today, gone tomorrow’.

Everytime My Bike Hurts Me, I Punch It Right Back. It’s A Vicious Cycle.

I returned my new bike to the shop and explained the pedals weren’t working.
– The owner said that’s why it’s called a push bike.

My bike wheel was crooked, but now it’s fixed.
– True story.

Did you hear about the guy who punched a car for straying into a cycle lane?

– He was a bit of a cycle-path“

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