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Bike puns in 2024

When my bike hurts me I kick it back.
– You could say we’re in a vicious cycle.

why does a bike need a kick stand?
– because it’s two-tired to stand on it’s own

A woodcutter once decided to build his own motor bike. He used wood for the frame, wood for the engine, wood for the brakes, and even a wooden gas tank.
– Did he ride it? No. It wooden start

A friend of mine used to be obsessed with his bike, he was out on it ten times a day.
– He’s fine now, just had to break the cycle.

My friend is big on indecision. He ended up buying an electric bike, he loves how it takes charge.

I bought a new wheel from the cycle shop, but it was missing something in the middle.
– I called up to complain and they put me straight through to their spokes-person.

What do call a bike trail that shows no empathy.
– A cycle path.

I spotted a toddler with cheese strapped to his trike.
– It must have been his baby bell.

“I was suffering on the bike, so I punched my bicycle, but it hurt even more.

– It’s a vicious cycle”

I know a bike mechanic who is a bit scary, I guess he has always been a crank-y dude.

My Cousin Loves E-Bikes Because She’s Really Indecisive.
– She Likes That It Takes Charge.

Do you know what the hardest thing is about learning to ride a bike?
– The road.

An Italian man loses his hands from bike accident. What did his parents ask the doctor?
– “Will my son able to speak again?”

We’ll have to rimember all these wheely spoketacular jokes.

Who heard about the crazy guy who won all the medals at the bikers’ tournament?
– He took the psycho path.

I Run A Surgery Practice For Cyclists Who Want To Remove One Of Their Eyes. It’s Called ‘Cycle-Ops’.

I Bought Some Handlebars Recently But They’re A Little Bare.
– I Told The Guy I Bought Them From He Needs To Get A Grip.

Did you know Alfred Hitchcock used to be a fan of downhill mountain biking.
– He was a master of suspension.

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