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Biology puns in 2025

Biologists can also be great philosophers.
– They give fantastic life lessons.

I told my dad I couldn’t believe I’d failed my biology exam.
– He said , I’m your mum.

When a plant is sad, what do other plants do?
– Photosympathize

Why was the mushroom so popular?
– He was a real fungi.

Which Biochemicals Wash Up on Beaches?
– Nucleotides

Biology is the only science where multiplication is the same thing as division.

Biology is important
– It’s a matter of life and death.

What’s Kim Jong Un’s favorite step of mitosis?
– Nuclear division.

Q: What does DNA stand for?
– A: National Dyslexics Association

What’s the study of real estate?
– Homology.

You shouldn’t be worried if you get a B for your biology practical.
– It’s much easier to dissect a frog!

My Biology teacher told me ants are female
– The males are called uncles

Why do biologists look forward to casual Fridays?
– They’re allowed to wear genes to work.

Q: How did the blonde define hydrophobic on her chemistry exam?
– A: Fear of utility bills.

A dog and a marine biologist are quite similar.
– One wags a tail, and the other tags a whale!

Over Christmas dinner, I accidentally let it slip I’d lied about my degree in biology.
– Me and my big face-hole thingy.

request: biology jokes
– Hey guys I need some jokes for my biology class to liven things up a bit so gimme your best. ( pick-up lines and puns also acceptable)

What did the femur say to the patella?
– I kneed you.

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