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Blue puns in 2025

Ah, the sweet smalt of success.

What’s red and smells like blue paint?
– Red paint.

A small step for cyan, a giant leap for bluemanity.

Telling tall teals.

Life’s blue short.

How blue-tiful!

I’d hate to be the bearer of bad blues.

Every picture teals a story.

The red ship collided with a blue ship!
The crews got marooned…

What is blue and doesn’t weigh much?
Light blue.
Edit : Thanks for the silver and gold
Edit 2 : Wow that blue up
Edit 3 : I never type “thanks for the …” line, but since silver is also a colour, I did.


Hope you teal better soon.

Doctor Blue.

Take a blue deep breaths.

Nerves of teal.

Yes, cyan.

Two boats full of red and blue paint crashed in the indian ocean today
All of the crew are marooned

What’s blue and sits on a toilet?
A police man doing his duty (doodie).
Joke courtesy of my Pepere (RIP)

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