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Boba puns in 2024

You are my bobae.

Which Star Wars character works in a restaurant?
– Darth Waiter.

Why do you get so much choice over flavor in a bubble tea shop?
– Because varie-tea is the spice of life.

Hope you’re tapi-okay!

Tapioca balls and tea oolong together.

You make my heart got boba-boba.

I have an odd attraction to a bounty hunter in Star Wars…Guess I have a Boba Fetish

How does boba get to school?
– It gets a lift in a tapio-car.

What do you call two bobas that get along really well?
– Best teas.

What did the pearl say when two teas were falling out. Can’ we just all get oolong?

If boba tea was in an orchestra what instrument would it play?
– The bubble bass.

I’ve asked my wife to put on Mandalorian armour tonight. I’ve got a Boba Fettish.

How do pearls keep their houses warm over the winter season?
– They get bubble glazing installed.

I’m totally cap-bubble of drinking something other than tea, I just don’t want to!

How does bubble tea light a fire?
– Using a matcha.

I’m feeling bobbly.

What do you call a party for bounty hunters where you serve those little tapioca balls from bubble tea?
– a boba fete!…I’ll just show myself out.

What is boba’s favorite kind of joke?
– The bubble entendre!

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