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Boba puns in 2025

How do pearls keep their houses warm over the winter season?
– They get bubble glazing installed.

I’m totally cap-bubble of drinking something other than tea, I just don’t want to!

How does bubble tea light a fire?
– Using a matcha.

I’m feeling bobbly.

What do you call a party for bounty hunters where you serve those little tapioca balls from bubble tea?
– a boba fete!…I’ll just show myself out.

What is boba’s favorite kind of joke?
– The bubble entendre!

If you want to spread positivi-tea then give someone a boba.

What did the boba tea say before it had any dairy added?
– Absence milks the heart grow fonder.

You’re pro-boba-ly right.

What kind of jewellery does boba like best?
– Pearly whites.

I always had a thing for the pearl next door.

What is a milk boba’s favourite Michael Jackson song?
– Smooth Creaminal!

Boba Dylan – A bubble tea’s favorite folk singer.

What did boba tea say when he saw his first science experiment at school?
– Unbeliebubble!

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