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Boba puns in 2024

What did the green tea say to the indecisive boba?
– Why can’t you milk up your mind!

What did the mango flavour say when it found itself inside a tapioca pearl?
– I’m in bubble!

You are quali-tea!

What do you call it when the Queen drinks a boba?
– Royal tea!

We are a matcha made in heaven.

Did you hear Boba Fett was able to time travel?
– In his mandelorian.

What was boba tea’s favorite of the Steig Larsson trilogy?
– The Pearl Who Played With Fire.

We’re a pearl-fect fit for each other.

Your boba puns are taro-fic.

You give me bubble-flies.

What car does Boba Fett drive?
– A mandelorean

What do you call it when you get two cups of pearl tea for the price of one?
– Bubble trouble.

Pearls night out.

I am taro-bly bad at coming up with bubble tea puns!

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