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Book puns in 2025

Never read Fitzgerald? you gatsby kidding me!

Feeling my shelf.

what building has most stories ? the library.

The top secret libarary project is all very hush hush.

Mind if i check you out ?

Bookworms take shelfies.

A book called Current Trends in Wiring your House turned
out to be a shocking failure.

Broken pencils are pointless.

a young man visited he librarian everyday so that he
could get into his good books.

I once read a book about really sucked me in.

Never mind—a passive aggressive Raven

Talk wordy to me.

I was diagnosed with IBS -impulsive-book-reading

The guy who didn’t like Lord Of The Rings didn’t know what
he was Tolkien about.

You have fine written all over you.

Take a page from the book and leaf.

The author’s lawyer defended her rights in the book case

Metaphors be with you.

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