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Bowling puns in 2025

The bowl shebang.

Why do bowlers make bad employees?
– Because they’re always going on strike.

What was the name of the sequel to the movie about bowling pins?
– Bowling Ball Returns.

skid I do that?

Aches and lanes.

Bowling through my social media feed.

Where do bowlers go when they need a new team shirt?
– New Jersey.

My coach said, “Three strikes and you’re out!”
– My bowling team doesn’t like show-offs.

What would you get if you crossed a bowler and the Invisible Man?
– Bowling like no one has ever seen.

Spinner peace.

Plain railing.

Which bowler floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee?
– Muhammad Alley.

I went bowling with an army general the other day, and he started bowling before I’d even entered his name on the scoreboard…
– He launched a preemptive strike.

Blow the skid off.

A sparrow escape.

A spare-of-the-moment thought.

What do a bowler and a Thanksgiving guest have in common?
– They both want a turkey.

What did the bowling pins do?
– They went on strike.

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