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Bowling puns in 2025

I gutter a great present.

Scared out of your pits.

A fresh spare of eyes.

After hours of waiting for the bowling alley to open,
– We finally got the ball rolling.

Why is bowling a better sport than golf?
– It’s hard to lose a bowling ball.

What do a bowler and a Thanksgiving guest have in common?
– They both want a turkey.

Leave no pin standing.

On the bowl.

Why are football players not allowed in bowling alleys?
– After getting a strike, they spike the ball.

I was going to tell you a really bad bowling pun…
– But I thought I’d spare you.

Let’s call the sole thing off.

Take it one pin at a time.

Straight as a sparrow.

What people are best at bowling?
– Those who have talent to spare.

Where does Superman like to go bowling?
– Lois Lanes.

Get the ball bowling.

In tip tap condition.

The pitting image of.

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