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Brain puns in 2024

A-head of the pack.

“Hey you know all those words in your huge vocabulary?”
– Here’s “thingy”

He had the nerve to bully his classmate.

Body by Nautilus, brain by Mattel.

Have you ever seen the b-rain.

You matter to me.

There are several reasons that a brain fetish is weird.
– First one that comes to mind….

She’s got a good head.

I may have a vacuum between my ears, but a least it’s better than nothing

You get on my nerves.

A scientist figured out how to put a light bulb into his brain.
– He had a very bright mind

The Amazon brain-forest.

Brains puns matter a lot.

COVID-19 can cause damage to the brain, heart, and lungs.
– Luckily for Trump, he just needs to worry about lung damage.

Which way are you headed?

Men’s brains are like the prison system… not enough cells per man.

Don’t be nerve-ous.

Keeping tropical fish at home can have a calming effect on the brain
– Due to all the indoor fins

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