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Bread puns in 2025

I’m a wrapper, so I get a lot of dough.
-A bread wrapper, that is.

Two croissants are in the oven – one says, “It’s hot in here!”
-the other replies, “Wow, a talking croissant!”

What did the toaster say to the bread?
-You’re gunna be toast!

What did mama bread say to her kids?
-It’s way past your breadtime!

I don’t want naan of that.

What did Elsa say when she ate the spoilt bread?
-The mold never bothered me anyway.

What did the toast say to the psychic?
-You bread my mind!

I’m headed to mail a loaf of bread at the toast office.

How do you make dog bread?
-Just use collie flour.

The mother helped her child bake bread because it was a labor of loaf.
-True enough.

News just in: a thief has been arrested for stealing sourdough
-he was caught bread-handed.

How do German breads greet eachother?
-They say Gluten Morgen!

You better watch out before you play a game with any bread?
-Baguette ready to lose.

Gotta risk it for the biscuit.

I have always wanted to own a pure bread horse

What do you call 52 slices of toast?
-A deck of carbs

Did you know that pilgrims baked bread on the May-Flour?

When I tried taking a picture of my bread load, it came out grainy
-I think that that is a common problem.

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