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Bread puns in 2025

The tiny bag of flour got in trouble, so his mother sent him to bread early
-He kneaded to be punished.

 Did you hear the one about the bakery that closed because everything went a-rye?

What did the revolutionary bread tell the other breads?
-We have to rise up, my breadren

The manager at the bread store told the baker that he had to stop loafing around.
-The baker said that it was his job.

You’re toast.

HOLE wheat bread

The chef’s assistant asked for a rolling pin but was told to stop being so kneady

Stop loafing around!

What did the mother bread tell her baby roll?
-You really are the apple of my rye.

Do you know what you call it when you place beef between two slices of bread?
-You get a bull-only sandwich.

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