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Bro puns in 2025

Terrell Browens

John Broltrane

Brodo Baggins

Brony Seikaly

Sen. John Breaux

Broe Biden

Personally, I don’t believe in bros before hoes, or hoes before bros.
– There needs to be a balance.
– A homie-hoe-stasis, if you will.

Two scientists are playing Minecraft.
– Two scientists are playing Minecraft. One is new to the game and doesn’t know much about it. At some point, he crafts a pickaxe, but doesn’t know what to do with it, so he asks the more experienced scientist.
– Scientist 1: Bro, what should I do with this pickaxe that I crafted?
– Scie..


Broam Chomsky

Czeslaw Mibroscz

Sherlock Brolmes

Brokie Roberts

Sandra Broh

A man walked up to his friend
– He was sad
– The man asked “What’s the matter bro”
– His friend replied “Everything……. except for light”

“Hey, bro, I need a 50 dollar bill.”
– “What? Why do you need a $50?”
– “I want to buy a thimble.”
– “A THIMBLE?? What do you need a thimble for? And since when were you into sewing anyways?
– “Thewing? I need it for my drumthet.”

Brol Pot

Diegbro Velázqeuz

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