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Bug puns in 2025

What medicine do insects have to regularly take? Antacids

What does a frog like to eat the most? French flies.

Poor butterfly wasn’t allowed into the dance. It was a moth ball.

Q: What kind of petroleum do snails use? A: Shell!

All the ants of the world have their own city, and it’s called ‘Antlantic City

There were two beetles who were born as brothers. One travelled the world, made friends, and was an inspiration to other insects while the other ended up in jail. The first brother seems to be the lesser of two weevils.

What insect always wears tiny sneakers? The Shoo flies.

Q: Did you hear about the two bed bugs who met in the mattress? A: They got married in the spring

Q: How did the spider destroy the (worldwide) web? A: It gave it a bug

A moth flew into my entrance door today and fell to the ground. I was able to resurrect him using mouth to moth breathing techniques.

What is the name of the most dangerous insect? It’s the hepatitis bee

Which insect has the best memory? The US bees.

Q: What do moths study in school? A: Mothematics!

Q: What’s green and jumps a mile per minute? A: A grasshopper with the hiccups!

A’s are actually like flowers. It’s because the bee’s usually come after them

Where do ghosts scare away all insects? In Boo-da-pest.

Why did the fly fly away? Because it saw that the spider had spied on her.

My bedside lamp turned into a butterfly this morning. Last time I buy a cheap larva lamp.

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