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Bug puns in 2025

Are insect sprays good for wasps? It’s not, it kills them.

What letter has the ability to hurt you if you get too close to it? B.

I saw an insect with a pack of cards earlier. Ant & Deck.

Q: What do ants use to smell good? A: Deodor-ant!

I don’t like any insects, huge or small. They really bug me

Today, I saw an amazing film about a gigantic insect. It was an XL ant production.

What’s an insect’s favorite letter? B.

Two beetles, are born as brothers. One travels the world, makes friends, and is an inspiration to insects. The other doesn’t. He was the lesser of two weevils.

Q: What do you call a retired boy band that like bugs? A: The Beatles!

My bank recently hired a scientist that specializes in small insects. I guess she’s an expert on fine ants.

I went to Moth school for the first time yesterday. They were teaching Mothematics in the first period.

Which insect has the best sense of smell? The Scentipede.

Q: How do fleas travel? A: They itch-hike!

Q: What game do ants play with elephants? A: Squash!

I told my sister that I needed an insect to help me prove my innocence at court. She told me that I should use an Aphid David.

What kind of insect can kill germs? A disinfect-ant

Why did the fly always avoid landing on the computer? Because it was scared of the world wide web.

Heard a rumour of a giant butterfly in London. Probably just an urban moth.

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