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Bug puns in 2025

Q: What do fireflies eat? A: Light snacks!

My sister is an artist. She mainly sketches pesky insects and doesn’t shower much. She draws a lot of flies and gnats.

This morning, my bedside lamp became a butterfly. That’s the last time I’m buying a cheap larva lamp.

Where do insects go for fruit shopping? Applebee’s.

Q: How do bees brush their hair? A: With a honey comb!

What do you call a poor ant? A peasant

My house is filled with insects that help me with my taxes. I guess they’re account ants.

What do the fireflies eat? They eat light snacks.

What clothing item do insects love the most? P-ants.

Q: What did one flea say to another? A: “Should we walk or take the dog?”

Q: What did one flea say to the other flea? A: Should we walk home or take a dog?

An insect that likes to mediate discussions between different insect groups is called a diplognat.

What did the priest say to get rid of the insects in his church? He said, “let us spray”.

What stays on the ground but spans a hundred feet in the air? A centipede on his back.

What was the Soviet Union’s most secretive insect? The Cagey Bee.

Q: What do you call two spiders who just got married? A: Newlywebs!

A man went to the doctor complaining that he kept seeing some insect buzzing around him. The doctor just told him not to worry; it was just a bug that was going around.

I was delighted to win the Halloween dress-up competition. I’m still buzzing from the accolade.

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