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Bug puns in 2025

Q: How do fleas travel? A: They itch-hike!

Q: What game do ants play with elephants? A: Squash!

I told my sister that I needed an insect to help me prove my innocence at court. She told me that I should use an Aphid David.

What kind of insect can kill germs? A disinfect-ant

Why did the fly always avoid landing on the computer? Because it was scared of the world wide web.

Heard a rumour of a giant butterfly in London. Probably just an urban moth.

Q: What do you call a bug with four wheels and a trunk? A: A Volkswagen Beetle!

I went to an all insect restaurant, but their service was quite terrible. Apparently fly-tipping isn’t allowed.

I once heard a rumour that a giant butterfly was roaming around London. It was probably just some urban moth.

Which is the coolest part of an insect? A bee’s knees.

Insect Puns Bug Me

Q: Why did the bug cross the road? A: Cause he wanted to see the “Lady bugs”

I decided to develop an exercise routine for insects. It’s not going that well. Guess I have to work out the bugs.

There was a sick wasp at our home. So, I told my sister to take it to the waspital.

What would you call a modest insect? A humblebee

What do you call a bug that can’t have too much sugar? A: a diabeetle

Q: What did the judge say when the stinkbug entered the courtroom? A: Odor in the court!

There was a new film out. It was about two insects who met in Italy. It was a Rome-ants film.

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