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Burger puns in 2025

I am pretty sure I already put mustard on my burger, I’ve got Dijon-vu.

wind in my hair, smell of fries in the air

this burger has too much cheese, said no one ever

Cheeseburgers are the reason why I exercise vigorously.

Say cheese (burger)!

If your burger isn’t tasty enough you had better bacon again.

it’s burger o’clock

burgers are my favorite food group

lady in the streets, freak when she eats (cheeseburgers)

Here I come, diet. Prepare to be annihilated!

I’ll serve you the best burger of all time, does that set your mind at cheese?

extra cheese, please

let’s meat up…

burgers are our love language

in a relationship…with this burger

Let the burger party begin!

Hellman’s are you really going to eat your burger without mayo?

tomatoes grow up to be ketchup

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