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Burger puns in 2025

This cheesy hamburger is mozar-hella good!

when life throws you a burger, eat it

where’s the beef?

the best burgers are the ones shared with friends

I love cows! Like where else would I get my burger from?

I fought the slaw and the slaw won.

nice buns

life is too short for a well-done burger

suns out, buns out

My body is starting to turn into a burger.

I’d walk a mile just for you.

Our pickles are kind of a big dill.

we followed our hearts and it led us to burgers

love is in the air, and it’s medium rare

our pickles are kind of a big dill

My bun is done. Yay!

You must be the tastiest burger I’ve eaten cos your bacon me crazy!

now THAT is a tasty burger

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