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Butt puns in 2025

If you slap Dwayne Johnsons butt
– You officially hit rock bottom

When I was a child, my mom always tried to teach me that you are butt you eat

We can go into paradise where the sunshine strikes our virtuous smiles and shiny buttocks.

My butt is tired, today…
– Dead ass

You should never trust any women who come to you with a smile and a big butt.

I love how your pretty dress complements your gorgeous smile and the outline of your back.

I do not like anything, butt corgis for this Christmas.

Your beautiful butt is like golden orbs of sunshine that ever existed in this melancholic world.

Your butt is squishy because if it wasn’t, then sitting would be a pain in the ass.

What has two butts and kills people?
– An assassin

Everyone knows that uranium is dangerous because you might get a nuclear “bum” after swallowing this chemical.

If we can get along right now, I imagined ourselves as a striking couple of grandiose buttocks.

I accidentally butt dialed my ex last night.
– I swear it’s the only booty call I’ve ever made.

Behind every great woman is probably a man who checks out her ass.

Can I take the hand and dance with this booty-ful lady with the astonishing smile for tonight?

Each morning, I always kiss my wife before going to work and say “I hope your day is as good as your butt.”

We should go and built our own paradise where we can shake our booty all through the night.

That butt song you sang really stinks, no offense.

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