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Butter puns in 2025

The best bakers use real butter so . . . .
– there is no margarine for error.

I have an idea for a new product: a butter substitute mixed with an aphrodisiac.
– I’m calling it Margarine of Eros.

I’d tell you a rumour about some butter on a piece of toast but you might spread it.

– What goats spread on their toast for breakfast.

If we got rid of all the margarine and spreads, the world would be a butter place.

Jokes about fake butter are margarinally funny.

Butter knives are selling like hotcakes.
– They are getting more and more widespread.

How do you get a raise at the bread factory?

– Butter up your boss.

What do you call a sandwich 🥪 full of envy?

– Peanut Butter n Jealousy! 😂

Joe’s bakery was renovated to give it a more upper crust look!

My wife insisted on pouring flour into the melted butter.
– I told her she would roux the day.

Every December, I really like making an emulsion of egg yolks, melted butter and lemon juice.
– So its guaranteed to be a Happy Hollandaise

You just get peanut butter and jealous when someone eats a PB & J sandwich in front of you without offering you any.

You’re my butter half!

If you have extraordinary bread and extraordinary butter, it’s hard to beat bread and butter

The joke about butter was so long,
– I was thinking about shortening it.

The only way to get a raise in a spreads factory is to butter up your boss.

Why did the chap throw the contents of his fridge out of the window?
– He wanted to see the butterfly.

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