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Cake puns in 2025

What’s yellow and swings from cake to cake? Tarzipan.

What happens when no one comes to your birthday party? You can have your cake and eat it too.

When the cake shop was razed down, no one really thought that she will be bake in business.

Do you know why the cupcake visits the doctor’s office? Because it feels so crummy.

Anything sweet is prescribed to cure a tension head-cake.

Did you hear about the love affair between sugar and cream? It was icing on the cake.

local cake factory was just robbed They took a huge slice of the profits.

If there is a leisure activity that all cakes would love to participate, is a cake walk.

You always bring me a cake so how could I ever dessert you?

What does someone who baked a cake at church and accidentally drop it say? Sweet Jesus!

What do you call a cake that likes heavy metal? Megadeth by Chocolate

Why did the burglar break into the bakery? Because he heard the cakes were rich.

What do you get when you put Cola in an oven? Baking soda.

When I drew closer to ask the cake what was going on, she quickly responded “muffin much.”

What is it called when you have had a bad day, and the cake you are looking forward to eating dropped? Icing on the cake.

What kind of cake do you get at a cafeteria? A stomach-cake!

Why did the students eat their homework? Because the teacher said that it was a piece of cake.

All the cakes down the street are well priced. It won’t be necessary to bake the bank for a slice.

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