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Calculus puns in 2025

I failed my Calculus exam because I was seated between two identical twins.
– It was very difficult to differentiate between them.

My calculus teacher had a lisp, but he was brilliant…
– A real mathter.

Why don’t calculus majors party?
– Because they can not drink and derive

When God integrated Planet Earth, he didn’t forget his calculus lesson.
– He remembered to add the sea.

Being good at calculus in your later life is like…
…the after-math

What do you call a recycled calculus pun?
– Derivative humor.

Dad: you should really take a break from studying calculus all day…
….how can you even function ?

If you are taking a calculus exam, don’t sit between two identical twins.
– It’s very difficult to differentiate between them.

I’ll do algebra, I’ll put up with calculus, I’ll even push through trigonometry…
– But graphing is where I draw the line!

What did the calculus professor name his newborn son?
– Mathew

Why are pirates the best at calculus?
– Because a true pirate never forgets the C.

I’m from Mississippi and I was the only black kid in my Calculus 2 class
Seems like Mississippi still has a problem with

( •_•)

( •_•)>⌐■-■



When God integrated Planet Earth, he didn’t forget his integral calculus lesson.
– He remembered to add the sea.

I’ll do algebra, tackle geometry, maybe even a little calculus…
– But graphing is where I draw the line

They said Calculus would be integral to my education
– but I found it a little derivative

What’s long, hard, and scary when you first see it?
– Calculus homework

I failed my Calculus exam because I was seated between two identical twins.
– It was hard to differentiate between them.

My maths teacher started throwing wordplay in calculus problems, I guess it is
– A problem of Ex-pun-ential order

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