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Calculus puns in 2025

I failed my calculus exam because I was seated next to two identical twins.
– It was impossible to differentiate between them.

You might think my calculus jokes are derivative, but they’re an integral part of me.

How does Donald Trump do calculus integration?
– He makes sure to grab it by the +c

I wrote two full pages of working out for my Calculus class…
– Seems like Calcumore to me!

My calculus professor was 16 minutes late for the first class, 8 minutes late for the second, and 4 minutes late for the third.
– At this rate, he will never be there on time.

I’ll do algebra, I’ll put up with calculus,
– But graphing is where I draw the line.

My Calculus Professor is having a tough time adjusting to retired life.
He can’t seem to deal with the aftermath.

What do you call a wizard who is good at calculus?
– A mathemagician

You can actually do calculus under the influence
– you just need to know your limits.

Just taught my 6yr old calculus and advanced physics. Amazing what kids can learn.
– Which happens to be jack shit.

I failed my calculus exam in college because I was seated between two identical twins.
– I couldn’t differentiate between them.

I named my penis calculus
– Cause Ill never use it in my life.

I failed my Calculus exam because I was seated between two identical twins.
– It was very difficult to differentiate between them.

My calculus teacher had a lisp, but he was brilliant…
– A real mathter.

Why don’t calculus majors party?
– Because they can not drink and derive

When God integrated Planet Earth, he didn’t forget his calculus lesson.
– He remembered to add the sea.

Being good at calculus in your later life is like…
…the after-math

What do you call a recycled calculus pun?
– Derivative humor.

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