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Camping puns in 2025

You can’t have your kayak and eat it too!

I slept like a log last night, and then woke up on the camp fire.

The elephant forgot to pack his suitcase when he went camping,
– but it’s okay, he already had a trunk.

I Told My Mate He Was Shit At Lighting Firewood. He Got Really Angry.
– I Told Him He Had The Wrong End Of The Stick

Side rustle

(on a climbing trip) Love this supportive boulder holder

I caravan about you

The campfire decided to find love, so it went to a matchmaker.

The last forest I went camping in had loads of dogwood trees,
– I could tell by the bark.

What happens at the campsite, stays at the campsite.

(for socially distanced hikes) Just trying to moun-tain my distance

Hiking and happiness go hand in hand…or foot in boot.

Nothing can hold a kindle to a warm campfire

I invited my mum camping with me because she needed to relax,
– she really was too tents!

Went Camping With Crowded House.
– They All Had Four-Season-In-One-Day Sleeping Bags

Mountains aren’t just funny. They’re hill-areas.

Bear with me here…

No more bad camping puns!
– I can’t bear it!

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