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Camping puns in 2025

Going camping, be back never if I can help it.

This hike was climb and punishment

Let’s go camping, just for the hill of it!

It only costs a few bucks to get into our local aquarium if you’re camping nearby or dressed as a dolphin.

– Yup, for all in tents and porpoises, it’s free!

Went Camping With Mo Farah, Alistair Brownlee, Laura Trott, And Jason Kenny.
– It Was A Right Champ-Site

Plateaus are the highest form of flattery.

May the forest be with you.

These are my buds

I could go camping forest of my life!

I collected some wood to go on the campfire and when I took a stick from a beaver he said “It was nice gnawing you.”

While camping I learned that it’s really rare for ants to get sick,
– because they have little anty-bodies.

Welcome to our campsite, where friends and marshmallows get toasted

What did you say? I lost my terrain of thought!

Wood you like to go camping?

I went to buy a tent from the camping store but the pegs were on the top shelf. The stakes were too high.

You Can’t Run Through A Campsite.
– You Can Only Ran…Because It’s Past Tents

Thank you very match for starting the fire.

Actions peak louder than words

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