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Camping puns in 2025

My grizzly loves going for naps in his sleeping bag,
– he says he feels like a bearrito.

I Wasn’t Sure About Camping But A Guy Roped Me Into It

Netflix and chill?
– More like Trailmix and Hill.

(on a climbing trip) It’s a hard rock life

You make me a happy camper

A local farmer had opened up his land to campers. When I arrived, he helped me into the field with a wooden step over the fence.

– I told him that liked his stile.

My friend went diving and came back to the campsite with a blush on his face. He said he saw the lakes bottom.

Where there’s smoke there’s dinner

(for socially distanced hikes) Basking and masking in the sunshine

Hey, water you doing tonight?

Being around a warm campfire is pyro-dise

Why does Humpty Dumpty like camping in autumn?

– Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…

My Friend Didn’t Have A Tent With Him So He Pissed On A Bag Of Earl Grey. “Tea-Pee,” He Said

What do you call a deer with no eyes?
– No eye deer!

You trek a lot. Don’t you Everest?

For all in-tents and purposes, camping is just sleeping outside!

My mum loved the camp fire, she gave it glowing reviews.

The frog tried to go hiking during his camping trip, but he kept tripping over.
– I guess that was because he has his open toad shoes on.

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