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Camping puns in 2025

I conifer you a discount on camping puns

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I slept like a log last night.

– I woke up on the campfire…

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I Asked My Llama If His Cousin Wanted To Go Camping.
– He Said Alpaca Tent

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Hiked it, liked it.

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Keep your eyes on the rise!

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Let’s go camping
– try not to s’more

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I saw a campfire trying to access the internet the other day,
– I guess it was logging in.

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Mummies can’t go camping, they’re too afraid to unwind.

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Camping is the answer. Who cares what the question is!

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To summit all up…we had a great time 🙂

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I fernly beleaf my puns are qualitree

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Camping: like many of the best things in life,
– it’s tree.

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Did you hear about the kidnapping in the woods?

– It’s okay. He woke up.

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I Told The Doctor That I’m So Stressed I Feel Like A Pair Of Gazebos.
– He Told Me I’m Two Tents

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I love camping. And by camping, I mean drinking outside.

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Dew-n’t you love to walk in the woods?

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You’re invading my personal spruce!

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My family always bring board games when we go camping. Our Monopoly games are in-tents.

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