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Candy puns in 2025

How do you turn white chocolate into dark
chocolate? Turn off the lights.

You’re choc-full of fun!

All the chocolates went on a holiday and enjoyed every mo-mint of it!

What’s a veterinarian’s favorite candy bar?
Kit Kat!

The granny candy could not sew a proper cloth for her grandson as she lacked Lindt.

That think must be worth 100 grand!

Yes you candy!

I like a Skittle of the night snack.

The boys had a double truffle at their school picnic.

How candy hear if they don’t have ears?

I really prefer the chocolate they sell at the
airport: plane chocolate.

What do you call a sheep covered in sugar? A candy baa.

The chocolate day was just getting butter as each mo-mint passed by.

Yesterday, I stole half of my friend’s Kit Kat.
Today, they did the same to me. I guess it was Kit for Kat.

Those who invest in chocolate put their money behind bars.

Lol-ly that  was a good candy pun.

There’s no sugarcoating it: you’re just a backsweet driver.

 I know someone who collects candy canes.
They’re all in mint condition.

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