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Candy puns in 2025

That really mint a lot to me.

You always help me out in a Crunch.

The mama candy told her child, “I really love you a Lotte.”

Wake me up before you cocoa.

What do you drink when you don’t want
something strong? Liquor-ish.

Well you’re a bit of a smarty pants aren’t you!

What do you get when you cross candy with
pizza? Skittle Caesars.

The chocolate car owner named his car ‘Ferrari Rocher’.

Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?

You cane do it!

Candy prices have really gone up recently.
I think it’s the Tic Tax.

Jails specially designed for candies are known as candy bars.

I saw a chocolate car today. It must have been
a Ferrari Rocher.

What is a leopard’s favorite candy? Dots.

I’m trying to learn from all the smarties in my math class.

Crazy Skittle thing called love.

Oreo made an appointment with his doctor because he lost his filling.

Take a back sweet

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