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Car puns in 2025

Tender loving car

Catch a fuelling star

What happens if you run in front of a car?
You get tyre-d!

I wanted to learn to drive a stick shift. Thing is,
I couldn’t find a manual.

Deep sea data driving

Brake new ground

Why couldn’t the car play football? Because it
only had one boot!

Snakes drive a ana-honda.

Quit wheel you’re ahead

What kind of car does the moon drive?an Eclipse

Rotten to the car.

Fuel as a cucumber

How does a turkey drive a car? He wings it!

Car puns are really tiring

Wheel be alright.

Brake a leg

What type of snakes are found on cars?
Windshield Vipers!

Gordon Ramsey has a cool car.It mush be a chef-rolet.

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