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Carrot puns in 2025

How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?
– Well, have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

The best gift to give to a bunny is a 10 carrot necklace!

If you come across an elephant with a carrot stuck into each ear, you can call it anything you want it can’t hear you.

Live. Love. Carrot cake.

The Easter Bunny joined the Olympics
– He heard first place gets 24 carrots.

If you want to kill a salad, go for the carrot-id artery!

If it’s orange and sounds like a parrot… It’s a carrot.

The reason why a carrot is orange and pointy is because if it was green and round, it would cease to be a carrot and instead be a pea.

Life is uncertain. Eat the carrot cake first.

Why was the programmer eating carrots?
– So that he could C#

A carrot, some corn, and a cucumber fell into the ocean. They are all C (sea) foods!

The carrot said to the rabbit, “do you want to grab a bite?”

What’s a carrot’s favorite song?
– Carrot On Wayward Son.

What do you call a tomato that self-identifies as a carrot?
– A transplant.

TIL Humans eat more carrots than rabbits
– I can’t remember the last time I ate a rabbit

The carrot said to the rabbit “Do you want to grab a bite?”
– I absolutely carrot live without you!

The carrot blushed when he saw the salad dressing.

I don’t care what the problem is, carrot cake is the solution.

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