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Carrot puns in 2025

Keep calm and eat carrot cake.

What was the snowman doing in the carrot section of the grocery store?
– Picking his nose

If you ask a vegetable what he’s most afraid of, he’ll say a scarrot!

After such a cozy time together, the rabbit said to the carrot, “it has been wonderful gnawing you.”

Why was the snowman embarrassed when shopping for carrots?
– It was picking its nose.

They say: carrots are good for your eyes…
… but enough alcohol doubles your eyesight ;-))))

A carrot’s favorite sport has got to be carrate!

Peas tell me if you carrot all for me!

When the carrot finally died, there was a huge turnip at the funeral. Everyone wanted to pay his last respect.

Find someone who looks at you the way I look at carrot cake.

What did the rabbit say when he found 24 carrots?
– Thanks for the gold!

The carrot blushed when it saw the salad dressing.

In an interesting conversation between a vibrator and a carrot, the carrot asked the vibrator why he was shaking yet he is not the one going to be eaten.

Do not ever touch that carrot or you will be in trouble. He has been doing carrate for 10 years now.

I love you more than carrot cake

My wife caught me chopping up carrots with the Grim Reaper…
…she said “Do you like dicing with death?”

One carrot wasn’t feeling too well. Another turned and told him, “Calm down – don’t get yourself into a stew!”.

When I started the casino, my first clients were vegetables. They really loved playing baccarrot.

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