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Carrot puns in 2025

Keep calm and carrot on, son! You need to eat all of the soups before leaving for school

She asked her husband for an 18 carat necklace

If a carrot and a lettuce were in a race, who would win?
– The lettuce because it’s *a head*.

The bunny said to the carrot “It was nice gnawing you!”.

When the service was started to begin, the carrot priest stepped at the front and said, “lettuce pray.”

In this house, carrot cake counts as a vegetable.

You’ve all heard of Murphy’s Law, but have you heard of Cole’s Law?
– It’s shredded cabbage and carrot in mayonnaise.

The only time that a carrot wears a mask is when it goes to a mascarrot ball!

Keep calm and carrot on!

It was hard to tell when Mr. Carrot had finally died because he was always in a permanent vegetative state at the intensive care unit.

Absolutely, bring any kind of carrot cake you wish.

Why do sailors eat so many carrots?
– It helps them sea better.

It’s now a legal requirement to buy carrots and cabbage together. It’s Cole’s Law.

There is something that is orange and sounds like a parrot. That must be a carrot.

Did you hear about the two bunnies’ engagement?
– One of them got a 10-carrot ring!

Don’t carrot all about what others say, be yourself!

Aldi recently copied Lidl’s idea to reduce their prices on courgettes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, celeriac, cabbage and cauliflower, and now they’re being fined for breaking piracy laws.
– It’s because they sale’d the seven Cs.

Carrots are really good for your eyes. You never see a bunny with glasses!

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