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Carrot puns in 2025

I carrot ’bout you a lot!

We knew we were going to win because all the carrots were rooting for us.

Vegetables are a must on a diet.
I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.

What’s the difference between Mike Wazowski and a carrot?
– One’s a bunny feast, and the other is a funny beast

One snowman looked to the other and said, “Do you smell carrots?”

During the award ceremony, it was easy to tell who will walk away with the prize.
– The carrot has been so out standing in his field.

Why did the carrot make a hair appointment?
– Its roots were showing.

I couldn’t find the thingy that peels potatoes and carrots, so I asked my kids if they’d seen it…
– Apparently, she left me two days ago…

I went to Coles to buy a cabbage but apparently it’s a legal requirement to buy mayonnaise and carrots too.
– It’s Coles Law.

The difference between a carrot and a unicorn is that one is a funny beast and one is a bunny feast.

The pepper told the carrot that though he was red, he wasn’t as chili as he was.

Carrot cake is my therapy.

What do you call a carrot that talks back to you?
– A fresh vegetable.

The carrot performed so well, he was outstanding in his field.

If you hate these puns, I don’t carrot all!

Finding the Easter Bunny is pretty much easy. All you do is make noise like a carrot and he will find you.

I carrot cake my eyes off you.

What’s the difference between a carrot and an antivax kid?
– One grows in the ground, the other goes in the ground

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