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Cereal puns in 2025

The Breakfast of Champions isn’t cereal, it’s the competition!

When you accidentally step on a cheerio, you become a cereal killer.

Honey Smacks, a quite famous cereal, contains as much sugar as a Dunkin donut does.

I love cereal. I eat several bowls a day, mostly a few late at night.

I vant to eat your cereal!

Q: Did you hear about the guy they found dead with his head in his cornflakes?
A: The police thought it was a cereal killer.

Cereal is a medium through which we learn to confuse hunger with marketing.

Be with someone who has a different favorite cereal than you so they won’t eat all of yours.

Be a Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios.

People ask me if I exercise. I tell them I do crunches — Captain Crunch and Nestle Crunch.

They’re magically delicious!

Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant.

Why do Wolverine players eat their Wheaties straight from the box?
They choke whenever they get near a bowl.

There used to be a fourth elf in the Snap, Crackle, Pop trio, known as “Pow!” to represent the huge nutritional value but just appeared in a couple of ads.

Cereal Killer

Follow my nose—it always knows

A poodle that only eats cereal is called a corn dog.

Better living through cereal.

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