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Cheese puns in 2025

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
– Nacho cheese!

Did you hear about the guy who opened up a store where they only sell Swiss cheese? It’s a hole business strategy.

What’s always the last piece of cheese left?
– Forever provolone!

What cheese cries the most?
– Babybel.

That’s what cheese said

If your mind is at cheese, you can focus completely and achieve anything.

Why did the cheese lover hide cheese in the back of his fridge?
– In queso emergency.

 That question is as cheesy as ABC.

I never dis-a-brie when someone says “cheese is the yummiest”.

How do you share a piece of cheese with a bear?
– Caerphilly.

I ate so much cheese I have to Leyden.

It is quite cheesy to do. There is no rocket science behind this task.

You’re so cheesygoing

 This might sound so cheesy, but I think you are really grate.

The lo cheese tics manager didn’t sign in today.

Good things always come in cheese.

What kind of music does Swiss cheese listen to?
– Holy music

Cheese all that

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