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Cheese puns in 2025

How can you make a mouse smile? Say cheese!

 This might sound cheesy, but I think you’re really grate.

Cheesy come, cheesy go

What happens when cheese gets ill?
– It gets feta!

How can you be blue when there’s cheese around?

I beg to disabrie. Cheese not the woman you portray her to be.

I would like to purcheese this dress no matter what it costs. It is so pretty!

This might sound cheesy, but I think you’re really grate.

What kind of music would a slice of cheese like to dance to?
– R&Brie

What did cheese say?

What do you call a really good looking piece of Swiss cheese?
– A hole snack

Cheesy on the eyes

What does cheese build when it goes to the beach?
– Roquefort!

Cheesin’ real hard.

I hope you have a brie-lliant day,’ cheese said.

 I don’t want my day to be blissful. I would like it to be cheeseful!

What do you call it when mozzarella, cheddar, and parmesan rent a little beach house together? Cottage cheese

What type of cheese do people gravitate to when they’re sad?
– Blue cheese

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