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Chemistry puns in 2025

Researching on organic chemistry can be difficult, as one can run into alkynes of problems.

The chemist was very sad. Although he was good at cooking compounds, unfortunately, he could never taste what he cooked!

The test results showed that the condition was neither acidic nor basic.
– The chemist had to visit the pH-armacy to get new drugs!

When proton that opposite charges attract each other, he went to electron and told, “I’m positively attracted to you.”

My son is extremely naughty and always up to some sort of mischief.
-Angrily I told him, “I’m keeping my ion you”.

The chemist was angry at his son and said, “Never put your neon the dining table”.

The entire class decided to bunk the chemistry class but owing to low attendance, I couldn’t afford to mass it!

The Japanese chemist’s favorite element when he was a kid was manga-nese.

For a chemist, the most important element is the element of surprise!

The seminar I attended today on coordinate chemistry among complexes was very boron!

Chemists are often asked to work as disk jockeys in concerts and parties.
-I think it is because they can drop good bases!

My friend sneaked into the lab at night to steal some lithium.
-He denied doing any such thing, however, the camera didn’t Li.

When I asked my mother why my father was coming home late from work recently, she replied that he was under a lot of pressure lately at the mines.

 If you want to calculate the number of moles in guacamole, then you will have to refer to the Avocado’s number!

 Chemistry teachers everywhere like to talk about ammonia while introducing students to chemistry because it is base-ic stuff.

I heard that the first date with potassium that oxygen went to turned out fine.
-The second time that oxygen went on a date with potassium was OK2.

When performing an exothermic experiment, it’s okay to feel the heat!

The ruler of Prussia advocated advancements in chemistry as he ruled with an ion fist.

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