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Cherry puns in 2025

Fruit is wonderful, isn’t it? However, sometimes it can be cherribly expensive.

Crust believe me for this time.

What is the cherry fruit’s favorite American talkshow?
– The Cherry Springer Show of course!

I cherry-ish you.

It had a gin-cherry taste.

We wish you a cherry Christmas!

Why can’t you make a crumble with 3.14 cherries?
– Because that would be a pi.

Berries are the most fashionista of the fruits, they can really cherry off the wildest outfits.

What does a hippy cherry wear to a festival?
– A pie dye T-shirt.

Swallowing a cherry stone is not the end of the world. It’s just one of life’s little pitfalls.

They took a cherry (ferry) ride to cross the lake.

What do cherries write in love letters?
– I miss you cherry-bly.

She’s into wit-cherry.

Cherries are the worst soft fruits to watch scary movies with. They spend the whole time hiding behind a cushion as they are cherrified.

I’ve got some crust issues.

Is it bad to swallow a cherry whole?
– No don’t worry, it’s just one of the pitfalls of life.

What did the cherry say when it won its third Olympic gold medal?
– That’s just the cherry on top of a successful career.

The story about cherries was pit-iful.

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