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Chicken puns in 2024

What does a chicken use to wake up?
-An alarm cluck.

Did you hear about the chicken who was naughty at school?
-He got egg-spelled.

If you were a chicken, you sure would be im-peck-able.

Why do chickens hate winter?
– Because they always feel so cooped up!

How do chickens talk to each other
-By using fowl language.

The best puns don’t fall far from the poul-tree.

Why don’t chickens have computers?
-Because they aren’t very good with teggnology!

What’s a hen’s favourite type of movie?
-A chick flick.

You are the wind beneath my chicken wings!

Why did the Roman chicken cross the road quickly?
– Because she was afraid someone would Caeser!

What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow?
-Roost beef.

We have great egg-spectations for these chicken puns.

To turn on the TV, just cluck on that button!

What do you get when you cross a chicken and a four-leaf clover?
-The cluck of the Irish!

How do eggs run?
-They scramble!

What do you get when you cross a chicken and a ghost?
– A poultry-geist.

Where are the most eggs hatched?
-In Chick-ago!

Which day of the week do chickens hate the most?

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