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Chocolate puns in 2025

What did you just call me?
– Just because we’re Dark Chocolate does not give you the right to call us “Snickers”.That’s OUR word.

What kind of candy bar does an employee crave before the weekend?
– A PayDay.

We went to the chocolate factory, and the guide said that talking in there was frowned upon. So, when we were there, we needed to wispa.

I quite like breaking the rules. The other day, I had an After Eight just after half-past seven.

The favorite chocolate of any big movie star is GoDIVA.

Q: What do you call Chewbacca when you have chocolate stuck in your hair?
– A: chocolate chip wookiee.

What is a monkey’s favorite cookie?
– Chocolate chimp.

If you dip a kitten in chocolate, what you’ll have is a kitty kat bar.

One day a jellybean decided that he wanted to go to school. Probably because he wanted to become a Smartie.

What should you do with a Kit Kat bar?
– Put it in your meowth.

The reason he went smiling all the way to the jail is because the judge sentenced him to a life behind chocolate bars.

Q: Why did black chocolate cry over his wine glass?
– A: Because it was his bitter half.

The monkey that comes over at our place loves chocolate chimp.

The Oreo decided to go to the dentist. It was because it lost it’s filling.

They gave us some mint chocolates last night for dessert at the prison. I thought it’d be gross, but they were pretty good. As it turns out, in-prison-mint isn’t that bad.

In life, the rule of thumb is, don’t bite more than you can chew unless it is chocolate.

Why did the donut visit the dentist?
– He needed a chocolate filling.

The chocolate couple got married, and they decided to rent a one-bedroom sweet on their summer honeymoon.

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