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Chocolate puns in 2024

If you cross chocolate, a big strawberry, ice, cold milk, and a giant pineapple in your free time on the weekend, you’d get the world’s greatest Sundae.

I asked my friend for one of their Kit Kat fingers, but they accidentally dropped it. It was actually a Butterfinger.

Q: What is a Malaysian chocolate factory called?
– A: Oompa Lumpur

You can only drink hot chocolate all year long if you are cocoa-nuts.

There was a fruit that loved eating chocolate. It was the cocoa nut.

During Christmas the chocolate tailor was worried if he could make enough clothes for his customers as he did not have enough lindt.

I can’t remember who it’s by, but you could have “It Started With A Hershey’s Kiss”.

What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?
– Chocolate Chip Wookiee.

I generally try my best to eat healthily. But whenever I do, some chocolate bar keeps looking at me, and it snickers.

The favorite ice cream flavor of any electrician is shock-a-lot.

Chocolate cakes are not really good friends because they have a habit of dessert-ing people.

Q: What is suns favourite chocolate bar?
– A: A milky way

What is an astronaut’s favorite chocolate?
– A Mars bar.

Once Chewbacca got chocolate stuck in his hair. His friends kept calling him chocolate chip wookiee.

One day a young devotee at the church just said, “Jesus is so sweet”. His older sister replied to him, “Well of course! He’s a Life Saver after all.”

Someone accused me of stealing their Kit Kat. Give me a break.

Have you heard about the chocolate box thief?
– He’s always got a few Twix up his sleeve.

Q: What is the best part of Valentine’s day?
– A: The day after, when all the chocolate goes on sale.

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