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Chocolate puns in 2025

The favorite ice cream flavor of any electrician is shock-a-lot.

Chocolate cakes are not really good friends because they have a habit of dessert-ing people.

Q: What is suns favourite chocolate bar?
– A: A milky way

What is an astronaut’s favorite chocolate?
– A Mars bar.

Once Chewbacca got chocolate stuck in his hair. His friends kept calling him chocolate chip wookiee.

One day a young devotee at the church just said, “Jesus is so sweet”. His older sister replied to him, “Well of course! He’s a Life Saver after all.”

Someone accused me of stealing their Kit Kat. Give me a break.

Have you heard about the chocolate box thief?
– He’s always got a few Twix up his sleeve.

Q: What is the best part of Valentine’s day?
– A: The day after, when all the chocolate goes on sale.

For their dessert, most French cats like the chocolate mousse.

The basic difference between a brown cow that produces chocolate milk and a cow that produces normal milk is the color mootation.

The other day I was wondering if chocolate identifies as male or female. My friend told me it identifies as female because it’s preferred pronouns are ‘Her/she.’

What did you just call me?
– Just because we’re Dark Chocolate does not give you the right to call us “Snickers”.That’s OUR word.

What kind of candy bar does an employee crave before the weekend?
– A PayDay.

We went to the chocolate factory, and the guide said that talking in there was frowned upon. So, when we were there, we needed to wispa.

I quite like breaking the rules. The other day, I had an After Eight just after half-past seven.

The favorite chocolate of any big movie star is GoDIVA.

Q: What do you call Chewbacca when you have chocolate stuck in your hair?
– A: chocolate chip wookiee.

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