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Clock puns in 2025

What will happen if you annoy a clock?
– It will get ticked off!

My sister was running out of time, so she bought a lot of watches.
– Now she has a lot of time on her hand.

I asked the boss if I could leave early and he said yes as long as I made up the time.
– I said ‘sure, it’s half past 13’.

Why did sally fall of the swing-someone chucked a brick at her. Why did sally through a clock out the window-she had brain damage from the brick.

I would tell you a joke about a clock but it’s a wast of time 😄😄

One clock narrated the story of his clock friend to another clock. It was second-hand information.

A friend bought me a watch for my birthday, but it stopped working the second day.
– I’ve not told them yet. It’s never the right time.

We call our dog Rolex, since he’s a watchdog.

They finally made a movie about a clock, about time

What is a belt made of clocks called?
– Waist of time.

Which candy is never on time?
– Choco-late.

My sister has taken up eating watches, but it takes a while to get through each one. It’s time consuming.

Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?
– He wanted to see time fly.

What would a clock look like with no numbers?
– Timeless

A teacher sent the clock to the principal’s office.
– The reason was, it kept tocking too much.

My teacher said she would tell a great time travel joke yesterday.

If I wanted to have the time of my life I’d work in a clock factory.

Got a new 24 hour clock yesterday and it’s broken already.
– It only lasted a day.

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