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Clock puns in 2025

Why did jimmy throw his clock out the window?
– because he wanted to see time fly.

If you play a clock in a drama, you might just end up in a time-consuming act.

The watchdog sat on a pin. I am sure it was springtime for him.

Ever tried eating a clock?
– It’s very time consuming

I saw a billboard with a picture of a clock on it. I guess that’s a sign of the times.

What did the minute Hand say to the hour hand?

– Why are you so tall

What would an unwound clock say to the owner?
– It’s about time, boss.

I got a new 24-hour clock yesterday and it’s broken already. It only lasted a day.

Why did the man sit on his clock?
– He wanted to be on time.

how to make time fly

– answer throw a clock out of the window

What would you get if the clock and chicken cross paths?
– A cluck.

Why would a tardy man stop and purchase a watch?
– Because he was hoping to buy time.

Our dog is called Rolex. He’s a watch dog.

What happens when a clock is hungry It goes back four seconds.

The cop that is on a 12 o clock shift says hands up

I know when my clock is annoyed. It always gets ticked off.

Very few people in my neighborhood beat the clock to kill their time.

Do hungry time-travellers ever go back four seconds

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