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Cloud puns in 2025

Cloud computing – a bunch of clouds using computers.

Do you snow about the storm tomorrow?

Did you all hear the one about the cloud? Never mind, it’ll probably go over your head.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
– Which must be very disconcerting for airline pilots!

Are you cirrus-ly going to leave?

I wanna go sky-ing in the winter.

I used some magic to make a cloud laugh. It was mist tickle.

I just had a rain-wave. (brainwave)

I stopped my phones to the cloud, and I kept getting mist calls.

Cloud storage – where clouds keep their stuff.

Snow way that happened!

I don’t like clouds They’re always throwing shade.

Why do clouds look like farts?
– Because they’re in the ass-mosphere.

What’s the stratus?

I sky with my little eye.

Don’t talk so cloud.

Wrap your presents using a rain-bow.

I walked in on my girlfriend yelling that she hated low lying clouds I hadn’t the foggiest idea what I mist.

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