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Clown puns in 2025

Two cannibals are eating a clown.
– One turns to the other and says, “Does this taste funny to you?”

I met my husband on the net.
– We were both terrible at trapeze!

How did the clown count his money?
– Pennywise.

In the circus, who can see in the dark?
– Acro-bats.

Did you hear about the circus clown funeral?
– All his friends came in one car.

Did you hear about the guy who got an ear transplant from a clown?

– He had a happy new ear.

What material are clown costumes made of?
– Poly Jester!

Who do clowns love to perform with the most?
– Clownfish.

My friend was a clown in a circus who did a human cannonball act.
– Never replaced him when he retired, couldn’t find anyone else of the same calibre.

What are clown suits made from?

– Polyjester.

Why don’t cannibals like eating clowns?
– They taste funny!

My Dad was the head clown at the circus, until he passed away.
– I guess I have some pretty big shoes to fill!

What did the tiger call the clown?
– His happy meal.

Which place did the clown get to go after retirement?
– Old Clown Road.

Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
– Because they taste funny!

Clowns can no longer afford their ballons…

– Because of inflation.

Did you hear about the really dramatic circus clown?
– His act was always in tents!

Why did the clown leave the cheese circus?
– Because he could not find his stilton.

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