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Clown puns in 2025

Two cannibals are eating a clown.
– One turns to the other and says, “Does this taste funny to you?”

I went to the fancy dress shop to buy a clown outfit, but I couldn’t decide on the accessories.
– I let the salesman pick my nose.

Why did the people run away from the clown?
– Because he smelled funny!

Why did the clown cross the road?
– To get his rubber chicken.

Two clowns are eating a cannibal.
– One turns to the other and says, “I think we got this joke wrong.”

Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
– They taste funny

What’s the funniest fish?
– A clownfish!

How do you cheer up a sad clown?
– Take him to an orthopedic surgeon to fix his funny bone.

Went to the circus and saw some clowns with tightrope walkers.
– Oddest flavour of crisps yet.

What does a cannibal call a clown?

– A Happy Meal.

I quit my job at McDonald’s yesterday…
– Because the boss was a clown!

How did the clown cross the road?
– By putting his stilt on.

Why do sharks not like to eat clowns?
– Sharks don’t like to eat clowns because they taste funny.

Which circus performers can see in the dark?
– The acro-bats!

What is the gooey red stuff between an elephant’s toes?

– Slow clowns.

What’s the best way to protect yourself, if you’re attacked by a gang of clowns?
– Go for the juggler!

What do clowns call a tremor?
– A mirth-quake!

A clown held a door open for me the other day. I thought,
– “what a nice jester”.

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