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Clown puns in 2025

How do you make a sad clown frown?
– Show him the mirror.

What is the gooey red stuff between an elephant’s toes?
– Slow clowns.

I painted half of my face like a clown today and went for a drive.

– I’m not sure everyone saw the funny side.

Two cannibals are eating a clown, when the first says to the second:
– “Does this taste funny to you?”

How huge was the clown’s hard drive?
– 100 giggle-bytes!

What do you do if you are attacked by a gang of clowns?
– Go for the juggler.

If a clown farts…

– Does it smell funny?

I saw a construction cone doing weird dances in the street and wearing a clown hat. I asked the construction crew that that cone is made from.
– They replied, “sili-cone”

I’m going to send a clown to deliver flowers to my wife… will she think that’s a romantic jester?

What kind of doctor tells people that laughter is the best medicine?
– A clown doctor.

Why was the clown so happy after getting an ear transplant on 31 December?
– Because he had a happy new ear.

How do you make a juggler laugh?
– You tickle his balls.

How big is a clown’s hard drive?

– 50 Gigglebytes.

I’m absolutely surrounded by pickled vegetables in jars.
– It’s like Piccalilli Circus in here!

What is the name of a clown who hates sitting down?
– A stand-up comic.

Where do clowns go to party?
– Clown Hall.

How do you get a retired carny off your porch?
– Pay him for the pizza.

Two cannibals captured and killed a clown.

– They decided to make a laughing stock out of him.

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