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Coffee puns in 2025

Don’t feel depresso, have an espresso

As in “My parents said I’m not allowed to drink coffee else I’ll be grounded.

Words cannot espresso how much you bean to me

A bunch of chickens was playing hide-and-seek.
-It turned out to be fowl play.

I’m so frustrated, I need to venti Java nice day

What do beans say to their Valentines?
-You keep me grounded.

The Count of Macchiato

What’s the difference between coffee and your opinion?
-I asked for coffee.

I made pot of coffee, espresso-ly for you

How are excited are you to read some coffee puns?
-I can’t fully espresso my excitement!

Sending you a whole latte love

Fleetwood Macchiato

Are you sick?
-Yes, I’ve been coffee and sneezing.

Thanks a latte for me being my friend

The Lord of the Beans

Why did the coffee file a police report?
-Because it was mugged.

What’s the best Beatles’ song to play at a coffee shop?
– Latte Be!

Words cannot espresso how much you mean to me

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