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Cold puns in 2025

It is so cold in winter; I saw polar bears are buying fur coats.

I saw a snowman looking through a bag of carrots for the best one;
– he was picking his nose.

I am a bit cold today in the snow,
– but it’s ice to meet you.

When I told them I have a cold, they started laughing at me. I retorted, “It’s snot funny.”

The best things in life are freeze

If I have a purchased an icehouse and for some reason, it starts to fall apart, igloo it back together.

Did you know when you cross a scary vampire and a snowman, you get a severe case of frostbite.

Why is the letter B so cold?
– Because it’s between the AC.

Where do seals go to see movies in the cold weather?
– To the best dive-in around.

Eskimos love keeping cows in the cold and snow. They call them eskimoo.

When the snow boy fought with the snow girl, the latter gave him the cold shoulder.

It was just one dollar to enter the ice rink,
– what a cheapskate.

Why did Dracula take cold medicine in winter?
– To stop his coffin.

Everyone was amazed seeing the girl walking into the ice cream store covering herself with an umbrella.
They later found out that she had been informed they were going to be sprinkles.

I snuggle to get through these winter days

It’s so cold here but I love it, there’s snow place like home.

I lost my job at the weather station. People gave me the cold shoulder;
– they were too chill for me.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the boy heading into the ice cream store, he was covering himself with an umbrella.
– They later realized that he had been informed they were going to be sprinkles.

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